20 Fun Things To Do In Long Beach, WA

fun things to do in Long Beach, WA

Are you ready to dive into a deepwater wonderland where seagulls sing show melodies, sandcastles come to life, and swells do the Macarena? 

Drink at Long Beach, WA, where the sun laughs harder, the ocean tickles your toes, and indeed, the seashells can not stop roaring.  

Buckle up for a wild lift of littoral charm, quirky adventures, and belly-painting horselaughs. Prepare to be swept off your bases and into a world where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and tedium goes for an extended holiday.  

Long Beach, the place where fun comes to frolic, and indeed the shadows wear party headdresses!

In this article, we will explore the 20 fun things to do in Long Beach, WA.

20 fun things to do in Long Beach, WA

1. Have fun at the Long Beach Boardwalk

20 Fun Things To Do In Long Beach, WA

Have you ever longed for walking around a pleasant shore, with the sun projecting a brilliant gleam all over and a delicate breeze stirring through your hair?

Where does the dynamic energy of a clamoring promenade meet the peacefulness of a huge sea skyline, offering a horde of encounters that enrapture your faculties and leave you longing for more?

Indeed, look no further, in light of the fact that the Long Beach Boardwalk is holding back to whisk you away on a remarkable experience. Extending for a significant distance along the dazzling Long Beach Boardwalk, this notable promenade typifies the encapsulation of seaside engagement and enchanting diversion.

Whether you’re looking for heart-beating thrills, flavorful culinary pleasures, or just a relaxed getaway into nature’s hug, the Long Beach Boardwalk vows to satisfy all your cravings.

All in all, would you say you are prepared to set out on an excursion that will light your creative mind, stir your deep craving for something new, and pass on you with recollections to cherish for a lifetime? Step onto the Long Beach Boardwalk, and let the charm unfold directly in front of you.

Address: Unnamed Road, Long Beach, WA 98631, United States

2. Unleash your inner funnyman at Bolstad Beach Approach

20 Fun Things To Do In Long Beach, WA

Drink to Bolstad Beach Approach, where the beach tickles your toes and the ocean whispers tales of ridiculous misfortunes.  

Step into a world where seagulls strut their feathered stuff, sandcastles reach hutment heights, and sand volleyball becomes a grave-defying cotillion. Then, horselaugh is the currency, and sunburned grins are the latest fashion trend.  

So snare your sunscreen, unleash your inner funnyman, and get ready for a deepwater caper that’ll have you rolling on the beach with Horselaugh!

Address: Bolstad West, Long Beach, WA 98631, United States

3. Take a day trip to Marsh’s Free Museum

20 Fun Things To Do In Long Beach, WA

Hello there, fellow campaigners of pleasurable asininity and stupendous oddities! Drink at Marsh’s Free Museum, a place where reality takes a holiday and curiosity reigns supreme.  

Prepare to embark on a wild and capricious trip, where rubber cravens fly, shrunken heads crack jokes, and nymphs trade questionable tales.  

From mind-boggling curiosities to mind-blowing laughs, get ready to unleash your inner discoverer and embrace the marvelously crazy.  

So swatch on your horselaugh goggles, leave your normality at the door, and dive headfirst into the magnificent madness that’s Marsh’s Free Museum!

Address: 409 Pacific Avenue, Long Beach, WA 98631, United States

4. Take a guided tour of the Willapa National Wildlife Refuge

20 Fun Things To Do In Long Beach, WA

Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to be whisked down into the capricious prodigies of Willapa National Wildlife Refuge!  

Imagine a world where pelicans throw fancy tea parties, herons valve cotillion on lily pads, and beavers host stand-up comedy shows.  

Yes, you heard it right! This retreat is not just for raspberry-watching; it’s a wildlife circus where nature goes all out in its ridiculous and eccentric performances.  

So buckle up, leave soberness at the door, and let the horselaugh-filled adventure unfold in the wildest retreat you’ve ever laid eyes on! Drink to Willapa, where indeed Mother Nature has a sense of humour!

Address: 7112 67th Place, Long Beach, WA 98631, United States

5. Uncover the wild mysteries at Cranberry Museum

20 Fun Things To Do In Long Beach, WA

Alright then! Get ready to set out on a tempting experience through the zaniest cranberry universe you’ve at any point experienced.

Welcome to the Cranberry Museum, where tart fervor meets succulent illumination!

Go along with us as we strip back the layers of cranberry history, uncovering the wild mysteries behind this red sensation. Prepare for a fantastic venture that will leave you giggling, learning, and yearning for more cran-wonder.

Lock in, cranberry aficionados, since this is one berrylicious spectacle you won’t have any desire to miss! Allow the cranberries to roll!

Address: 2907 Pioneer Road, Long Beach, WA 98631, United States

6. Discover the remarkable stories of  fabulous  vampire makers at World Kite Museum & Hall-Fame

20 Fun Things To Do In Long Beach, WA

Do you feel the exhilaration of the wind against your face and the expectation of a soaring adventure?  

Step into the captivating realm of the World Kite Museum & Hall of Fame, where the ancient art of vampire flying comes to life. Unleash your imagination as you embark on a unique trip through the rich shade of vampire history and invention.  

Discover the remarkable stories of fabulous vampire makers, intrepid pamphlets, and groundbreaking designs that have shaped the skies. Get ready to be bedazzled, inspired, and awestruck as you witness the dateless appeal of harpies taking flight and becoming part of a global heritage.  

Drink to a world where imagination knows no bounds and the prodigies of the sky unfold before your eyes. Drink at the World Kite Museum & Hall of Fame.

Address: 303 Sid Snyder Drive, Long Beach, WA 98631, United States

7. Check out the Lewis and Clark Carved Tree

20 Fun Things To Do In Long Beach, WA

Still, amidst towering trees and winding gutters, you may stumble upon a retired relic of disquisition and triumph, If you venture into the depths of untamed American nature.  

Nestled within the heart of nature, the Lewis and Clark Carved Tree stands as a testament to the audacious spirit of the notorious passage.  

Etched with tales of discovery and difficulty, this living monument invites you to uncover the secrets of a defunct period, where settlers defied the unknown and shaped the course of history. 

Prepare to be enchanted as you embark on a trip through time, following in the steps of legends and unraveling the enigmatic story of the Lewis and Clark Carved Tree.

Address: Long Beach, WA 98631, United States

8. Go for an indelible adventure at Adrift Distillers

20 Fun Things To Do In Long Beach, WA

Have you ever pictured a belt that transports you to the sun-kissed props of paradise? 

A belt that captures the substance of wanderlust, distilled into a tantalizing catholicon? Look no further than Adrift Distillers, where artifice meets adventure.

Prepare to embark on a trip through their extraordinary spirits, strictly handcrafted to awaken your senses and enkindle your inner discoverer.  

Get ready to embark on a journey of taste like no other as Adrift Distillers takes you on an indelible odyssey of flavors, where each drop tells a story.  

Drink aboard their boat of imagination; get ready to drift down and discover the extraordinary.

Address: 409 Sid Snyder Drive, BLDG #3, Long Beach, WA 98631, United States

9. Pay a visit to the Willapa Bay Heritage Farm LLC

20 Fun Things To Do In Long Beach, WA

Are you ready to embark on a captivating trip through the alluring world of Willapa Bay Heritage Farm LLC?  

Step into a realm where tradition intertwines with invention, and the beauty of nature blends harmoniously with sustainable husbandry practices.  

Prepare to be charmed by their unique approach, as they nurture the land,  recognize their heritage, and cultivate a future where flavor, sustainability, and community thrive.  

Drink to a ranch unlike any other, where every seed planted tells a story and every crop yields a taste of pure magic.

Address: 15600, 15606, and, 15720 Sandridge Rd, Long Beach, WA 98631, United States

10. Plan to forsake reality and embrace the wonderful at Go-Karts and Krazy Kar

20 Fun Things To Do In Long Beach, WA

Welcome to the universe of Go Karts and Krazy Kar, where the experience of speed meets the energy of energizing curves in the street! Secure and get ready for an adrenaline-siphoning experience like no other.

Whether you’re a painstakingly pre-arranged racer or a first-time driver, their state of the art tracks and shocking obstacles will stun you and crave for more. Oblige us as we leave on a trip stacked up with heart-pulsating contention, laughter, and exceptional memories.

This present time is the perfect open door to start up your engines and deliver your internal speed fiend in a conclusive Go Karting experience that will leave you totally stunned from start to finish.

Plan to forsake reality and embrace the wonderful. Welcome to a reality where the ordinary becomes excellent, and the great times never become unfashionable.

Welcome to Go Karts and Krazy Kar!

Address: 915 Pacific Ave S, Long Beach, WA 98631-3547

11. Bring your family to the Funland Family Fun Center

20 Fun Things To Do In Long Beach, WA

Welcome to Funland Family Fun Center, where supernatural minutes and unfathomable energy are anticipated! Step into a universe of experience and allow your creative mind to take off as we release a domain of giggling, thrills, and extraordinary recollections.

From thrilling rides that oppose gravity to intuitive games that challenge your abilities, Funland is the final location for families looking for an uncommon getaway. Get ready to be enraptured by their captivating climate, where each corner uncovers another amazement and each grin is esteemed.

Come, go along with us on an excursion of perpetual tomfoolery, where the conventional changes into the exceptional.

Welcome to Funland, where the uncommon is only the start!

Address: 200 Pacific Ave S, Long Beach, WA 98631, United States

12. Unleash your inner adventurer at Back Country Horse Rides

20 Fun Things To Do In Long Beach, WA

Do you crave an indelible adventure that takes you off the beaten path and immerses you in the raw beauty of nature?  

Drink to the world of Back Country Horse Rides, where untamed nature meets the exhilaration of horseback disquisition.  

Leave the bustling megacity before and embark on a trip that will awaken your senses, as you forge trails through rugged terrain, meander along meadows, and discover retired gems only accessible on horseback.

Unleash your inner adventurer and let the metrical hoofbeats guide you to stirring lookouts, where serenity and freedom meet in perfect harmony.  

Get ready to produce lifelong recollections on a backcountry horseback ride like no other.

Address: 409 Sid Snyder Dr, Long Beach, WA 98631, United Success

13. Check out The Candy Man

20 Fun Things To Do In Long Beach, WA

Lovely people, get ready to have your taste buds tickled and your minds moved to a universe of pleasantness and miracles.

Step into the unusual domain of The Candy Man, where candy parlor dreams show some major signs of life. Disclosing an ensemble of flavors, this mysterious figure winds around enchantment with sugar and zest, creating sweet magnum opuses that touch off satisfaction and light the faculties. Enter this enticing universe where each lick, snack, and chomp discloses a kaleidoscope of pleasures.

Welcome to The Candy Man’s uncommon world, where extravagance meets charm in the absolute most delightful manner.

Address: 115 Pacific Ave S, Long Beach, WA 98631-4019

14. Go for a ride at the West Coast Horse Rides

20 Fun Things To Do In Long Beach, WA

Wow! Get ready to set out on a really remarkable experience along the glorious West Coast, where great horses anticipate helping you through stunning scenes.

Experience the adventure of wind in your hair and the cadenced hoofbeats underneath you as you find the secret fortunes and untamed magnificence of this striking area. From sandy shores to lavish backwoods, West Coast Horse Rides offers an unmatched excursion that will stir your faculties and leave you always captivated.

Saddle up and allow the wizardry to unfurl!

Address: 308 Sid Snyder Dr, Long Beach, WA 98631, United States

15. Play a round of golf at the Peninsula Golf Course

20 Fun Things To Do In Long Beach, WA

Are you ready to witness golf like never before? Drink at Peninsula Golf Course, where lush flora meets stirring littoral lookouts, creating an unequaled golfing paradise.  

Nestled on the edge of a scenic promontory, their course offers a grueling yet satisfying trip for golfers of all skill levels.

Get ready to tee off amidst nature’s majesty, as the metrical sound of crashing swells accompanies your swings.  

With each hole presenting a new adventure and every fairway leading to admiration-inspiring vistas, Peninsula Golf Course is a haven for those seeking a truly indelible golfing experience.  

Get ready to be charmed, challenged, and entranced – welcome to Peninsula Golf Course, where dreams come true.

Address: 9604 Pacific Way, Long Beach, WA 98631, United States

16. Take a stroll through the Long Beach Hobo Junction

20 Fun Things To Do In Long Beach, WA

Drink to the enigmatic realm of Long Beach Hobo Junction, where the confluence of untamed spirits and interesting tales forms an infectious shade.  

Step into a world where discarded dreams find solace amidst the meters of bustling road tracks and surviving boxcars. In this vibrant haven, forgotten souls paint the thoroughfares with stories of adaptability, adaptability, and bottomless creativity.  

Prepare to be charmed as you wander through a maze of fascinating narratives, interwoven with the echoes of a defunct period. Long Beach Hobo Junction beckons, promising an indelible trip into the extraordinary lives of those who have chosen the path less traveled.

Address: 105 13th St SW, Long Beach, WA 98631, United States

17. Embark on an enticing adventure at Long Beach Tavern

20 Fun Things To Do In Long Beach, WA

Have you ever conceived of escaping to a retired littoral oasis, where the scent of the salty ocean mingles with the horselaugh of lively patrons?  

Drink to Long Beach Tavern, a captivating haven nestled along the sun-kissed props. Step ofootand immerse yourself in a world where tasteful culinary delights, handcrafted potables, and a vibrant air meet to produce an indelible experience.   Join us on a trip of culinary discovery, where each dish tells a story and every belt unveils a new chapter.

Get ready to embark on an enticing adventure at Long Beach Tavern, where indelible recollections are drafted with every visit.

Address: 305 Pacific Ave S, Long Beach, WA 98631, United States

18. Relax at the EarthLight Massage

If relaxation had a color, it would be the radiant hues of EarthLight Massage. Step into a world where tranquility embraces you and the healing power of touch dances across your senses.

Like the gentle caress of sunlight on your skin, their skilled therapists transport you to a realm of blissful rejuvenation.

Unveil the extraordinary, embark on a voyage of serenity, and let EarthLight Massage illuminate your path to profound relaxation.

Address: 115 Oregon Ave S, Long Beach, WA 98631, United States

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19. See a movie at the Neptune Movie House

20 Fun Things To Do In Long Beach, WA

Do you dare to embark on a cosmic adventure like no other? Drink at Neptune Movie House, where the tableware screen meets the vast breadth of the macrocosm.  

Step inside their alluring theatre and prepare to be charmed by the extraordinary tales of distant worlds, astral  love, and mind-bending confines.  

With slice-edge technology, immersive illustrations, and air that transports you to the stars themselves, Neptune Movie House is your gateway to an unequaled cinematic experience.  

Get ready to lose yourself in the macrocosm and surrender to the magic of Neptune Movie House, where dreams are born and worlds collide.

Address: 809 Ocean Beach Blvd S, Long Beach, WA 98631, United States

20. Enkindle your soul at Skippers Equestrian Center

20 Fun Things To Do In Long Beach, WA

How about this?  How would you like to embark on a trip where the metrical hooves of majestic nags echo through lush meadows, where a bond between rider and horse is forged, and where equestrian dreams come to life?  

Drink to Skippers Equestrian Center, a realm where passion meets perfection, and steed suckers of all situations are transported into a world of fineness, skill, and pure enchantment.  

Step into our realm, and let the magic of horsemanship enkindle your soul.

Address: 307 Sid Snyder Dr, Long Beach, WA 98631, United States

Final Thoughts

Long Beach, where the sand meets hilarity and the waves splash laughter! From the quirky kites soaring high to the seagulls performing stand-up routines, this coastal gem is a comedy club of nature. With its charming blend of stunning scenery and side-splitting surprises, Long Beach is where laughter finds its forever home. So pack your sunscreen and your sense of humour, because this place will tickle your funny bone like no other!

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