How to Move to Germany from Nigeria in 2023

Migrating to a foreign country may be a difficult challenge, but you’ve decided that you want to move to Germany from Nigeria and become an EU citizen.
Fantastic! However, before you begin packing your belongings, there are a few things to consider. It is best to be fully prepared with the necessary documents and knowledge to get your German visa and move there successfully.
Germany is a country that is located in Western Europe with a population of 82 million people and a land area of 357,021 square miles. It is a parliamentary republic with a federal structure.
The capital of Germany is Berlin. The official language is German. The currency is Euro (EUR). To move to Germany from Nigeria, you must have a place to live, an active bank account, and enough money to support yourself for at least six months.
You must also have your health insurance if you are moving from Africa or Asia, or Central America because German health care will cost more than it does in your home country.
Everything you need to realize or know about emigrating to Germany is included in this guide. From visa information to learning the language, we’ll walk you through the steps of relocating to the country of your dreams, no matter where that may be!
How to Move to Germany from Nigeria
Moving to Germany

If you’re moving to Germany, you must understand a few key differences in how housing and utilities are paid.
In many ways, Germany is similar to America in that apartment leases include one month of rent as a security deposit. But when it comes time for utility payments, things start looking different.
Germany’s population is rapidly aging, which means there’s a growing need for workers in healthcare and construction.
Many people immigrate to Germany for work without much knowledge of German beforehand—and most find their lives improving significantly once they learn it.
Whether you’re looking to stay long-term or just traveling through, learning German will open up many more opportunities than not knowing it would have otherwise.
Here are some tips on learning German quickly:
1) Live where other Germans speak only German – You might think living among Germans would hinder your ability to learn their language – but actually, doing so has numerous benefits!
Living in a German neighborhood allows you to immerse yourself in daily life, which is incredibly helpful when learning any language.
2) Make friends with native speakers – Immersing yourself in everyday life isn’t quite enough; it’s important that you actively engage with native speakers too! Find clubs, groups, or meetups where natives hang out and join them.
3) Use technology like Duolingo – While immersion is great, having access to tools like Duolingo can speed up your learning process! Sign up for Duolingo. It is an excellent way to learn German for free!
4) Read children’s books – Children’s books are written very simply and use lots of repetition. They’re perfect for beginners who want to improve their reading skills before tackling adult novels.
5) Watch movies and TV shows – There are tons of German movies and TV shows available on YouTube! Watching them will allow you to learn basic vocabulary and hear spoken German.
6) Practice writing your name in German – It might be difficult to write your name in a foreign language, particularly if you don’t know how to do it. However, by practicing with a pen and paper, you’ll get used to forming letters in a way that’s natural for you.
7) Listen to audiobooks – Audiobooks are an excellent way to practice your listening skills! Audiobooks are usually read by native speakers and will give you a chance to understand how native speakers pronounce words.
With these seven steps, consider yourself one step ahead in learning how to move to Germany from Nigeria. You can also check out the best international movers here.
The German Visa Process

After you’ve decided to relocate to Germany, you’ll need to make a few key choices. First, you must choose how long you want to remain in Germany and which kind of visa is most appropriate for your circumstances.
The German government makes its visas very difficult, but there are plenty of ways: You can either search for an employer who will sponsor your visa or look into getting a Ph.D. and then getting a work-study visa.
If none of those options are relevant to you (or if they’re too risky), try applying for refugee status based on political persecution back home; it’s harder than any other option, but it’s possible.
To help with all these steps, here’s a guide on how to move to Germany. It walks you through everything from finding housing and registering with local authorities to finding a job once you get there.
There’s even advice on dealing with bureaucratic red tape and building community. Whatever your plan is, don’t forget to start making some friends before you leave—it’ll be easier once you’re already settled in!
Good luck!
The Schengen Visa

Getting a German visa is easy, but one of its biggest restrictions is that it can only be issued for a limited period of time.
So if you plan on relocating to Germany permanently, you’ll need to apply for a residence permit after you’ve received your Schengen Visa.
However, you will first need some financial security and proof that you have access to health insurance. Once these two requirements are met, your next step is to fill out and submit an application form called Anmeldung.
At that point, you will have officially registered in your new city. You will also be required to register with Einwohnermeldeamt (or local registration office), where you live, within 14 days of arrival.
This may sound like many red tapes, but rest assured: It’s quite simple! And with help from Expat Moving Service, you can avoid all of these steps—and all of their stressors—completely!
They offer full relocation services, including help applying for visas and resident permits, ensuring that everything goes smoothly during your move abroad. All while saving you time and money!
German Schengen Visa Cost
To get a Schengen Visa, Nigerian citizens must apply at a German embassy or consulate in their home country. The cost of a Schengen Visa for Nigerians is £70 as of 2020.
However, this cost can increase depending on how far in advance you make your application. If you can travel within three months of applying for your visa, it will be £70; if you want to apply six months in advance, it will be £80.
However, if you plan on staying longer than 90 days, the fee is £128 regardless of how early or late you make your application.
Once you have paid for your visa, expect to wait up to two weeks before receiving an email notice that your application has been accepted and processed.
You should receive your passport with your new visa inside within four weeks after that date. It is important to know that all applications require supporting documentation and sufficient proof of identity before being approved.
If you don’t meet these requirements, you might be denied entry into Germany or other countries with which Germany has a mutual agreement when entering through those countries’ borders.
Immigration in Berlin

If you are a foreigner thats wishing to live in Berlin, you must have an EU residence permit or a German residence permit. An EU Residence Permit entitles you to move and reside freely within most of Europe for five years.
A German Residence Permit is a green card that allows you and your family (spouse and children) permanent residency in Germany with limited exceptions.
The requirements for these permits are strict and vary based on several factors, including nationality, the purpose of stay, marriage status, family size, and income.
For instance, skilled workers may be eligible for an EC Permit after working in Germany for one year; European Blue Cardholders only need a job offer—and don’t need previous work experience.
In addition, if you plan to bring your family along with you, there are additional considerations to keep in mind.
Whether it’s through education or employment opportunities, read more about how to move here. And if you decide not to settle down permanently but want some time abroad instead, remember that temporary visas also exist!
Finding Work in Berlin
There are many work opportunities in Berlin, but they can be hard to find. The first step is putting yourself out there and making sure you’re visible. Check job sites every day (i.e., Indeed, Stepstone) and check for Craigslist postings in your area.
Some days it might seem like no one is hiring – don’t worry! When I was looking for a job in Berlin, I sent my resume out at least ten times a week without hearing back. I kept at it, though; if you do too, you’ll get results eventually!
If you know someone already living in Berlin, ask them about openings. If not, put up flyers around town advertising your services as an English teacher or translator (or whatever else).
You could also contact local businesses directly with a short email explaining why you’d be great for their company. Once you’ve found some leads, meet with people face-to-face and bring along the best work portfolio.
Don’t give up! It took me months to find my current job here in Berlin, but I’m so glad I stuck with it because now I love where I live and have met so many amazing people through working here. Good luck!
Finding Accommodation in Berlin
While accommodation options in Berlin may seem relatively straightforward, several factors affect how much you will pay for your apartment.
For example, in trendy neighborhoods like Prenzlauer Berg or Neukölln, it’s easy to spend upwards of 1,300 euros per month on rent.
However, some less popular neighborhoods (such as Schöneberg) offer more affordable housing options at around 700 euros per month.
On average, your best bet is to find a centrally located apartment close to public transportation—not only will you have a much better work-life balance, but you’ll also be able to save money on travel costs.
You can expect to pay anywhere between 600 and 900 euros per month for a decent one-bedroom apartment in central Berlin. If you’re moving with a family, expect to pay anywhere between 800 and 2,000 euros per month.
The good news is that many landlords assist with finding an apartment and negotiating with tenants, so it’s worth reaching out directly via email or phone if you don’t speak German.
The bad news? Renting an apartment in Berlin isn’t cheap! If you’re working full-time here, then the chances are high that your salary will exceed what most Germans earn, which means you should still be able to live comfortably even if your monthly budget is tight.
Settling In
This can be a stressful and confusing time for anyone, but moving to a new country with different cultures and customs adds complexity.
Because of that, it’s important to make sure you have what you need during your move (including all your ID documents) and know how best to settle in.
Having German friends and colleagues helps immensely; they can help you find housing, explain local customs, or point out interesting sights.
If possible, schedule time during your first few weeks in Germany to visit friends or family members who live there so they can help you acclimate more quickly.
Joining a language class before moving is also helpful because native German speakers will be more likely to speak English if you’re struggling with something.
And, don’t forget about Google Translate! It might not be perfect, but it can help figure out how to say “please” or “thank you.” The faster you learn some basic vocabulary and phrases, and the easier your transition will be.
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How much does it cost to immigrate to Germany from Nigeria?
There are four primary options for immigrating to Germany, ranging in price and skill level required. As you can imagine, the cost is also a factor in how much effort and money you’ll need to put into it.
The first is moving as a family member, or partner of a German citizen—as simple as having one link already within German borders will lower your costs significantly, but there are still some expenses involved.
The second option is through employment: if you have a job offer with an employer already within German borders, that will make things much easier and cheaper for you. For example, if you want to move to Berlin and your employer offers to relocate you for free, you don’t even need a visa (and won’t have any immigration fees).
The third method is investing in Germany: If you want to start up a business or buy property within German borders, then that investment will automatically grant you citizenship.
And finally, there’s always self-petitioning—if none of those other methods work out for you or your situation changes (for example, if your spouse gets transferred), filing the paperwork yourself is always an option. However, keep in mind that doing so can be very expensive due to all associated fees.
For those that want a number, it’s roughly $20,000. That figure includes flights, visa fees, transportation costs, and other medical costs. We recommend contacting your embassy or high commission in your country for more accurate details.
They will be able to give you an exact price breakdown, and you can use their help with immigration paperwork and personal advice on how to move successfully. Bear in mind that moving is a process and not something done overnight.
This post is a guideline on how to move to Germany from Nigeria or Nigeria from Germany. The steps covered in it will help you do so successfully, efficiently, and effortlessly.
This write-up is based on experience because I have had to learn how to do so myself for an upcoming move next year. Good luck! It’s important to decide whether you want to move back home or abroad.
If moving back home, make sure that your home country still accepts those with foreign degrees (if applicable). Also, ensure that your visa allows you to work (especially if your degree was earned overseas).
If moving abroad, go through all visa requirements of both countries carefully before deciding which one would be better for you financially and personally.