Ensuring Your Pets Well Being and Nutrition

Traveling with pets can be stressful, as pets are not used to the environment they face while traveling. Whether you own a dog or cat, you need to make them feel safe while traveling.
Most dogs love to travel, but not cats. While you enjoy traveling in a car or train, it can be stressful for your pet. In addition, you need to take care of their health and nutrition.

So, if you are planning to go on a vacation with your dog or cat recently, you need to be aware of things to consider and care about. Let us explore some tips for your pet’s nutrition and well-being while traveling.
Get a Pet Carrier
Many people make the mistake of carrying their pets on road trips without a carrier. You should invest in a good quality pet carrier, especially for cats if you are traveling in a car.
Cats are not used to sitting at any place for hours as they need to do on road trips. Make sure you put your cat in a carrier whether you travel in your car or on a train. A pet carrier is also necessary while traveling with pets by air.
Feed a light meal
It is best to feed a light meal to your pet before you leave for your trip, especially if you are going by road. If you have a cat, feed a recipe that is light on your cat’s stomach so that your cat does not feel sick while traveling.
If you are traveling by car on a long route, your pet will feel hungry after 3 to 4 hours. Now you need to stop your car to feed them. Never feed your pet in a moving vehicle. This will help you avoid pet car sickness.
Never leave your pet alone in the car
Sometimes people halt for a few minutes to buy something or take a break from the road. If you stop to buy some eatables or simply offer your car some rest, never leave your pet in the car. Leaving a pet in a car is a major safety concern.
The temperature inside your car can rise above 70°F in summer and fall below 35°F in winter. Both the temperature ranges are harmful for your pets. So, make sure you take care of your cat or dog when you stop your car during your road trip.
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Feed only pet food
Usually, people stop at highway food courts and restaurants to take a break and dine. Now, many people feed their pets, especially dogs with foods like potato chips or bread. However, these foods are for humans and not suitable for pets, especially during trips.
Never feed your pets with human foods as their bodies are not designed to digest these foods. Human foods especially cooked foods contain oils and spices that can cause illness in pets. you should feed your pets with only the pet foods or the foods recommended by your vet.
Keep your pet active

Humans stay more active while traveling, but it’s important to ensure your pet also gets some exercise. When you stay in a hotel or rest house, make sure you take your pet out for a walk.
Also, take care of your cat’s digestion, body temperature, and activities to ensure its well-being. If you notice any concern related to its health, consult a nearby vet or call your vet for a recommendation.
Take care of Hygiene
Caring for a cat or dog’s hygiene is a major concern for pet parents. Where will they pee and poop? You can take regular bathroom breaks whenever possible on your trip.
You know when your dog or cat needs to pee or poop. Also, pack some reusable pee pads for dogs and flush cat litter for cats. If you prefer, you can carry disposable diapers for your pet. You can find all such items for pet hygiene in stores selling pet products.
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Storing the food
Make sure to store your pet’s food properly while traveling in your car. Kibble and dry foods should be sealed properly to avoid moisture and stored in a cool and dry place preferably near the AC vent. Never leave your pet food inside the car while it’s parked outside as the rise in temperature can spoil the food.
Put them on a leash
If you are going on a long route, you need to rest at night. While you stay in a hotel, you should take your dog or cat for a walk. But make sure you keep them on a leash all the time. Most people think that leashes are only for dogs, but your cat also needs it in a new environment.
Your cat or dog is unfamiliar with the new environment and they could run if startled or tempted to do so, which can put them at risk. When you keep them on a leash, you can ensure they are in your control all the time.
Consult your veterinarian
The foods you serve your pet at home may not be suitable while traveling or during your stay at hotels. Consult your veterinarian to discuss the foods suitable for your pet on vacation. Your vet would recommend foods according to the environment and climate of the destination.
Usually, they recommend foods that are easy to digest and available at the destination. In addition, if you notice any symptoms of travel sickness in your pet while traveling or at any other time, you should contact your vet on the phone.
Summing Up
traveling with pets can be challenging if you don’t prepare in advance. It might seem difficult if you are going with your pet on a trip for the first time.
However, if you prepare proactively, and train your pets on short trips first, you can easily handle it on a long trip or vacation. Following the tips mentioned above can help pet owners take care of their health and nutrition while enjoying their vacation.